Crime Survey

I am working with the Police and Fire Commissioner for Staffordshire, Ben Adams, and Police Commanders to ensure the local police force knows your priorities across our communities.

Please complete the survey below to share views on crime and policing in your area.


Crime Survey

  • Current Crime
  • National Issues
  • Get involved
  • Your details
1.1. We’ve recruited 333 extra police in Cannock Chase. What are the top THREE issues you want them to focus on?
1.2. What THREE measures would you support to cut crime in Cannock Chase?
1.3. On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is not safe at all and 10 is extremely safe, how safe do you feel when you're walking around the local area?
1.4. On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is not safe at all and 10 is extremely safe, how satisfied are you with your local police force?
1.5. Are there any antisocial hotspots that you'd like police to know about?