Amanda Milling, Member of Parliament for Cannock Chase, calls on Royal Mail to recognise Brereton in the postal address system. Following calls from local residents and Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council to keep Brereton’s identity alive, Amanda Milling has written to Royal Mail asking that Brereton is part of the official postal address for all houses in the Village. Royal Mail, who control the postal address system, only lists 47 properties in the parish with Brereton in the address, despite there being more than 1,000 houses in the village. Amanda Milling said: “Brereton has a strong identity and is naturally very proud of this. Many residents are concerned that Brereton’s identity is being lost. As a resident of Brereton myself, I am very happy to support the campaign to keep its identity alive and I have asked Royal Mail to recognise Brereton in the postal system.“ Currently many of Brereton’s addresses omit Brereton in official address listings, instead stating Rugeley. The Cannock Chase MP has asked that Brereton is added as a specific address line for all Brereton properties. Cllr Paul Fisher, Chairman of Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council said: “As Chairman of Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council I am delighted that both our MP and Royal Mail are listening to our request that the name Brereton is put back into the address system. Clearly the good people of Brereton are passionate about our village having felt a loss of identity when the name was taken out of the address. Brereton is mentioned in the Doomsday Book and the people of our community are extremely proud of the village. This is fantastic news and we look forward to the name appearing on our post.”