I wanted to let you know that we’re expecting heavy rainfall in parts of Staffordshire and the West Midlands and that will continue through the season, bringing a risk of river flooding and localised surface water flooding.
The Environment Agency have said they have teams out on the ground, ensuring our rivers and culverts are free of blockages to minimise the risk of flooding. If you are concerned about potential flooding, you can find the latest information as follows:
For flood warnings and flood alerts, updated every 15 minutes, please visit their website using this link http://apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood/31618.aspx
Social media updates are available from the Environment Agency’s Midlands Twitter account at www.twitter.com/EnvAgencyMids or the National Twitter account at www.twitter.com/EnvAgency and the Facebook page linked above.
You can also sign up to flood alerts via the FloodAlerts Facebook App.
Members of the public can also sign up for the free flood warnings service where it’s available. This can be done online at https://fwd.environment-agency.gov.uk/app/olr/home or by calling the Environment Agency Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
You can also monitor live river gauge information here at http://www.gaugemap.co.uk and many of the gauges have their own Twitter pages as well.